Since 1938, the Student Center has served as an energetic and vibrant hub for the University of Kentucky. From the wide range of dining options, entertainment and education opportunities, we offer something for everyone. We are the home to the King Culture Center, Dinkle-Mas Suite for LGBTQIA* Resources, WRFL radio and the Center for Student Involvement. We offer regularly scheduled events and entertainment in the Cats Den recreational facility and our state of the art Worsham Cinema. Additionally, students will find numerous student-centered services, programs and organizations all within the Center.
About Us
Our Story
Our Mission
Framed in an ethos of hospitality and support, we provide services for the University of Kentucky community that are essential to a living and learning environment that fosters well-being, academic success, and personal/professional development.
Need a map of the Gatton Student Center?
Lost and Found
The Gatton Student Center manages all lost and found items. Please bring any found items to the Information Desk, located on the 2nd floor of the Gatton Student Center, at the earliest convenience.
For more details, contact the Information Desk at (859) 257-6627 or visit us on the 2nd floor of the Gatton Student Center.
Note: A valid photo ID is required to claim any lost item.