Gatton Student Center Parking Options
Cornerstone Parking Garage
The Cornerstone Parking Garage is located across the road from the Gatton Student Center, located on 401 S Limestone. The parking structure is available for students and visitors. Those without a parking pass will be required to obtain a ticket upon entering and pay an hourly fee for the duration of their stay.

Gatton Student Center Parking Lot
The Gatton Student Center Parking Lot is another option for parking as a visitor or student. It is a limited space option, with no voucher/refund. The lot is located outside of the GSC building for the most convenience. Once parked, please note your license plate number and locate the Pay to Park meter. Payment is required upon arrival.
South Limestone Street
On South Limestone there are more parking options off the side of the road. Download the ParkMobile app for easy payment options.